A Commitment to Excellence
Highbreed Schools Ltd has been developing a skills-based curriculum that allows the individual subjects described in our prospectus, thus, enthusing children and supporting learning by making lessons and activities more interesting.
At the Crèche and Nursery level, toddlers are formed into playgroups and are taught to identify shapes, colours and numbers. They are carefully but gradually introduced to the letters of the alphabet and by using teaching aids and toys, gradually thought to read and write.

Our crèche aim is to provide quality care for children from aged three months.

The aim is to maintain an environment, which encourages children to be cooperative, foster self-esteem and develops a child's ability to interact with others.

Lower Primary (1-3)
The aim is to create an environmentally sound, physically secured, intellectually scintillation, emotionally, psychologically and morally safe environment to promote effective teaching and learning.